Experiential Journey
Her journey Begins into the pavilion,
Few steps down the trail she faces a Dilemma,
There are paths to choose and she has to make hard choices,
The Protagonist does not know where each of the paths will lead her to,
She enters a labyrinth of arches and Struggles to find her way,
The fear of being lost escalates,
She grapples to face the truth and looks back on her journey,
She finds hope and Reconditions with time,
She takes the long arduous road to normalcy,
She notices dichotomy of old rubble and White Concrete,
She comes out of the pavilion and finds an Oasis,
The columns and edifices are no longer shattered,
There are no voices in her head. She is at peace, She is Renewed.

Phase 1 - Beginning

Phase 2 - Dilemma

Phase 3 - Struggle

Phase 4 - Reconditioning